Advanced typography final compilation and reflection


Dayyan Ahmed 0344670 
Bachelor Of design creative media 
Advanced typography 
Final compilation and reflection

Links to submissions

Typographic Systems

Fig 1.1 Axial Systems

Fig 1.2 Dilatational systems

Fig 1.3 Random systems

Fig 1.4 grid systems

Fig 1.5 Modular systems

Fig 1.6 Radial systems 

Fig 1.7 Transitional systems 

Fig 1.8 Bilateral systems 

 Systems PDF

Type & Play (Part 1) - Finding Type

Fig 1.9 Picture for extraction 

First extraction 

Fig 2.1 First extraction

Formed Type 

Fig 2.2 formed type


Type & Play (Part 2)

Fig 2.3 Type and image final 


Advanced Typo: Project 1A – Key Artwork

Fig 2.4 Key artwork

Advanced Typo: Project 1B – Key Artwork & Collateral

Fig 2.5 key art and collaterals


E - Invite 

Advanced Typo: Project 2 – Design, Exploration and Application


Fig 2.6 Final typeface


Pakistan Embassy animated logo 


Ah typography it is like my kryptonite. I find it similar to one of those things that look simple but are super complicated as well like a Rubik's cube. For me at least i think once u get a hold if the concept it gets pretty easy but trying to get hold of the concept is that hardest part about it. Mix that with a laid back unorganized personality like mine it becomes pretty outrageous sometimes. And here i am again Final submission date and me pulling an all nighter and day to get the still  incomplete work done.

Many times during class I get this thought that what is Mr Vinod going through, like how all of us at least once has shown some pretty bad stuff, i think it's fine to assume he might want to bang his head in a wall or something. That being said i actually quite like Mr vinod , even though he bombarded us with work during the first two weeks this semester. His teaching style is pretty straightforward and even his feedback , i do not know about all the others but i like straightforward points so i know what i did wrong and what i need to improve.

Overall , Advanced typography in general taught me a lot. Just like last semester it just opened my eyes on how conceptual things can get in the graphic design area. I learned how little details matter and how combining all those details you get a bigger piece. And of course Time management I'm still working on it. I still find typography more interesting than other modules mainly because it showed me how to express ideas by using something as letters and how just letters integrated with minor graphical elements can create a huge impact. Anyways i guess that is about it , I am going to be seeing Mr vinod next year too so let's do this.

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