Advanced typography project 1A

15/09/20 (week 4 - week 5)
Dayyan Ahmed 0344670
Advanced Typography 
Project 1A

Lecture / briefing 

End of week 4 mr vinod gave us feedback on our exercises again and briefed us about our first project , Key artwork . He explained how to make a key artwork and using typographic elements in it and how all the elements had to have a similar theme for connection 


We were told to create our own key artwork using all the skills we had learned through the past weeks which would then be enhanced later , we were also allowed to use any type font of our choice besides the ten type fonts also . the text was to be chosen from the choices of week 1 titles


Progress 1

My choice of text was "All ripped up: Puck influence on graphic design , so my initial approach to the project was to start  by researching and exploring the types of fonts used in posters and text related to punk 

Fig 1.1 Exploring punk related type fonts

After a little research i noticed a similarity pattern in most of these posters and text type fonts , they were mostly edgy , distorted and very informal type faces , which pointed me in the direction of what type font i should use 

Progress 2 

After my research about type fonts i started diving into elements describing punk and just reflect the genre itself , i had a pretty good idea already because i'm a musician but i still wanted to have a good research 

Fig 1.2 exploration of punk elements 

What i got of these research elements is what kind of elements i can use for the key art , these were mostly edgy things, something related to rebellion , very rough thing almost as they were against every rule , after gathering this information i started drafting ideas

Progress 3 

For my first draft i was going to go very simple and use negative spacing with one design element and more textures to get a good story of the text , the one element :

Fig 1.3 rough draft1 

fig1.4 rough layout 1 

so this was my first layout 

fig 1.5 First base of idea

Variation 2 

fig 1.6 second variation of idea

After feedback i decided to do more designs with different approaches 

fig 1.7 different variation 

fig 1.8 without background

After getting feedback mr vinod said it could have been way better it is too graphical

So back to the drawing board , for this variation i wanted to duplicate the classic punk mohawk hair style

fig 1.9 further variation and ideas

By this time i was already falling behind the class , i just could not get a proper hold of key art 

For this attempt i got online feedback from mr vinod , he said there was nothing conceptual about it , and i should consider exploring in depth with thinking . He gave me an additional reference as well /.

fig 2.1 key artwork var 1

fig 2.2 added minor text 

fig 2.1 poster 

After the last key art i tried a different idea i noticed a lot of people using pins and paper as their objects , so i got took the idea of ripped clothing that is found in punk style 

fig 2.2 key art ripped clothing 

fig 2.3 colour 

fig 2.4 backgrounds  

Finalized Key art

fig 2.5 edits with white background 



Week 5
  • Using the x eyed emoji is a nice idea
  • But not the way i used it
  • can be used in a way where information can added to it
  • Type fonts not relating
  • too graphical .

week 6
  • keyart is too spread out
  • Current key art was made for the specific poster try to compress them
  • using multiple elements keep , a similar look between elements
  • Re arrange and update by today .


Starting this project i had quite a lot of issues regrading the key art . It was like i couldn't get an understanding of what the outcome was supposed to be. But by collecting general feedback and specific feedback i got some idea. Along the way i was trying to do something different than the class because i like originality and most of my classmates work seemed so similar but in the end that helped me derive an idea for my project so it didn't up as bad as i thought it would be.

Further reading 

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