Typography - Final Compilation and Reflections

17/4/2020 - 17/7/2020 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Dayyan Ahmed (0344670)
Bachelor of design creative media / Typography
Final Compilation & Reflection


Exercises: Type Expression & Text Formatting

Project 1: Text Formatting and Expression

Project 2A: Font Design

Project 2B: Typography - Expression, Hierarchy and Composition


Exercises: Type Expression & Text Formatting
17/4/2020 - 8/5/2020 / Week 1 - Week 4

fig 1 type expression final jpg

                                                     fig 1.1 type expression pdf

Fig 1.2 type expression animation gif

                                                                  Fig 1.3 text formatting final pdf

Project 1: Text Formatting and Expression
15/5/2020 - 22/5/2020 / Week 5 - Week 6

                                                               Figure 2.1: Project 1_Final.pdf

Project 2A: Font Design
29/5/2020 - 12/6/2020 / Week 7 - Week 9

Figure 3.0: Final Font Design.jpg

                                                              Figure 3.0: Final Font Design pdf


fig 3.1 final font poster 

                                                            fig 3.2 final font poster 

Project 2B: Typography - Expression, Hierarchy and Composition
29/5/2020 - 12/6/2020 / Week 7 - Week 9

Figure 4.0: Project 2B_Final.gif

Figure 4.1: Project 2B_Final.jpg

                                                               Figure 4.2: Project 2B_Final.pdf


Experience :
okay yea this was quite a journey for me , starting off the since day 1 i couldn't help but get bored , because 6 hours class and i never thought that simple type fonts  and letters have so much to be spoken about . In the beginning i just couldn't build an interest in it which just affected my work . I actually thought i was gonna end up with no work submitted because of my lack of interest in it . Mr vinod and Mr shamsul were sometimes pretty nice and strict at the the same but that was for our good . I wasn't really feeling the online learning in a course like this , and the work and everything was definitely not good so i just got super demotivated , But as the semester progressed i slowly started to enjoy the whole course especially when i started getting good feedback . My lecturers played a big part in this as they never stopped encouraging me and even gave me an ample amount of references and tips which helped me approve . After the work , it also helped me gain an habit on how to actually do my work with a certain level of discipline .Overall at this time the end of the semester i think this was one of my favourite modules and i never thought i would say but i am actually kind of sad that it's but ill just wait for next semester . Finally i have gotten through this course along with mr Vinod and Shamsul and i'll definitely wait for next semester.

I never knew thought typography could be such an important part in elevating a simple design. With type expression, it really adds more meaning and depth to a design. Along with that i was very surprised of how much effort and detail goes in this even though people usually ignore the type faces and stuff Before I took the course, typography to me was a "boring" subject, and I've never been so wrong. It just made me so much more appreciative of certain everyday aspect like posters and billboards , and to think that now i can actually create similar things i just feel so accomplished.

Through out this course i slowly learned what were the different characteristics and details there were in typography especially things like leading and kerning , like come on that's like little little detailed accuracy it was just fascinating. The best part for me was the creating our font type and poster . Like i never even knew font types were actually created XD i thought they were just randomly prese in Your computer software and when i learned to make my own typeface , that i can actually share with others , the feelings were just i don't know astounding  

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