Task 1: Exercise
Exercises: Type Expression & Type Formatting

Dayyan ahmed (0344670)
Bachelors of design creative media / Typography
Week 1 - week 5 
Exercises:Type Expression & Type Formatting


WEEK 1 (Development and timeline)

In week one's lecture mr.vinod and mr.shamsul gave us a brief introduction of typography and guided us how to make e portfolio and the importance  of it during our future years.we were also told to download 10 type faces which we will use throughout our semesters.
  • ITC Garamond Std
  • Janson Text LT Std
  • Adobe Caslon Pro
  • ITC New Baskerville Std
  • Bodoni Std
  • Serifa Std
  • Futura Std
  • Gill Sans Std
  • Univers LT Std
  • Bembo Std
WEEK 2 (Development and timeline)

In week two's lecture it was about a basic introduction to typography , who uses it and its origin.

Typography is the visual component of the written word. A text is a sequence of words. A text stays the same no matter how it’s rendered. Consider the sentence “I like pizza.” I can print that text on a piece of paper, or read it aloud, or save it in a file on my laptop. It’ll be the same text, just rendered different ways—visually, audibly, digitally. But when “I like pizza” is printed, typography gets involved. All visually displayed text involves typography—whether it’s on paper, a computer screen, or a billboard.

WEEK 3 (Text/Basic)

week 3 lecture contained the origin of alphabets and our first task  The early alphabetic writing started about four thousand years ago. According to many scholars, it was in Egypt that alphabetic writing developed between 1800 and 1900 BC. The origin was a Proto-Sinaitic (Proto-Canaanite) form of writing that was not very well known.

About 700 years after, the Phoenicians developed an alphabet based on the earlier foundations. It was widely used in the Mediterranean, including southern Europe, North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the Levant. The alphabet was made up of 22 letters, all of the consonants. InIn 750 BC, the Greeks added vowels to the Phoenician alphabet and the combination was regarded as the initial true alphabet. 

This was seized by the Latins (Romans) and combined with some Etruscan characters such as the letter S and F. Around the third century, ancient Latin script removed the letters G, J, V/U, W, Y and Z. When the Roman Empire was ruling parts of the world, they introduced the Roman alphabet derived from the Latin version, although the letters J, U/V and W were still omitted.

WEEK 4 (Text/Basic)

week 4 lecture was more concentrated on type formatting from week 3 lecture more practical than theory




For week 1 task we were given the following words to express using typography and the ten type families without graphical elements


Sketches and ideas

I started off with very basic sketches and variations to what i thought could reflect the word and also chose certain fonts that could work

HIDDEN - For hidden i decided to use the double d letters in the word hidden behind the second D to reflect hidden i also chose this because the double D are much more recognizable and easy to spot compared to other words on top of that i slightly wanted to change the colour of one D

LOUD- For loud i went for the basic idea of a volume display which shows increasing volume and one big Loud in between to show the loud element , i thought of using a maybe medium or bold font to express the loud emphasis

DROWN- For down i designed it to show a drowning effect as the letters progress , i kept in mind not to cut too much of the letters so they can still be readable , for this i planned on using a thinner / light type font 

DISSAPPEAR- For disappear i went for the simple general approach which is to fade some of the letters out it's not very special but i though i could play around in the digitization stage ,the type font i wanted to use here was a bold type fond because fading takes away readability 

PUSH- Push was a little though provoking but i ended up using this sketch which is the H in the word falling over the other letters and pushing together on one side , so the H represented the pushing factor and the rest getting pushed 

FLY- For fly i used a little graphical elements to get the points across , which were little curved lines to show movement and i arranged the letters in an up moving fashion to reflect flying away , and for this one i wanted to use a curved serif type font 

Figure 1 sketches ideas


Figure 1.1 digitized words 

So this is the result there is something weird going on with the push it looks fine illustrator.


for week 2 task we were asked to choose one of the digitized words and animate them 
I decided to go with either DROWN or LOUD 

Rough sketch plan for DROWN

planning on doing a wave motion leading to a rotation drowning effect

figure 1.3 sketching animation 

Rough sketch plan for LOUD

figure 1.4 sketching animation ideas




Task three was more text formatting based we were asked to choose a type font to express our name with

figure 1.5

From the 9 type families i chose ITC New Baskersvile STD mainly because of how different it looks from the other and the options type fonts available in it

figure 1.6
I chose this font because of its thickness and thin structure i find it very outgoing and different and that's how i describe myself

Then we produced four layouts using text formatting

progress 1

figure 1.7


figure 1.7

I ended up choosing the fourth text format because I looked more open spaced and easy to work with extra text.

progress 1

figure 1.8

After much editing and trying different type fonts , switching lines with kerning and line spacing this is what it all looked like 


figure 1.9


figure 2 name type


figure 2.1 letter head layouts


figure 2.2


Three shuffle pages of margins and column

figure 2.3 grid systemd

figure 2.4

I used my own picture lay out stuff because I missed class I think 

picture in line with text

figure 2.5

Make your own grid system and text 

progress 1

figure 2.6 process layout

I used a simple two columns and three row layout because my text was pretty less more grids would make the text really empty


figure 2.7 final process



figure 2.8



figure 2.9 text formatting


figure 3 text alignment with picture


figure 3.1 outcome


Week 1:
General Feedback:- Sketch pics must be photographed with even lighting, no shadows.

Specific feedback:

-Too many variation in a short time in animation 
-explore more sketches 
-Tidy up some sketches to get better idea
-Submit work on time please

Week 2:
General Feedback:
-The animation does not have to be fixed at 24 frames

specific feedback:

-Too many variation in a short time in animation 
-Type fonts for LOUD and PUSH can be changed 

Week 3:
No Feedback, lecture and time given to complete assignment

Week 4:

No Feedback, lecture and time given to complete assignment 


WEEK 1 : Nothing too crazy normal university lecture , introduction to the module and explanation of e portfolio , if anything was bad it was the 6 hours of class but that is a normal feeling for every student.

WEEK 2: Start of module first exercise explained really well , the tutorial was really helpful and the recorded lecture especially for me who procrastinates till 2 hours before deadline and the panics , the explanation and lecture really kept me on pace.

WEEK 3: More detailed study into type fonts and layouts , introduction of exercise three and pretty well explained like always , really fell under stress because missed a few deadlines , but did my best to catch up and literally the recorded tutorials are the only things that kept me alive.

WEEK 4:  exercise was pretty fun to be honest if u really start to play around it was the last excersise and now we move to project 1 , I was way way off the deadline time but Mr. Vinod gave me a couple days which I'm grateful for I finished all the exercises as fast I could using the lectures and tutorials , will definitely submit on time from now on :) assignments tend to kill you once they pile up.


WEEK 1:  The Elements of Typographic Style (Robert Bringhurst )

Found this online it has content about different typography formats , how they are used and why typography is important 

WEEK 2  The Complete Manual of Typography (Paperback) by 

The Complete Manual of Typography

I started this book just to understand how typography works , this books contained a lot of basics of typography slowly progressing to more complicated stuff , but it very explains do's and don'ts of typography


I found this book online , it solely focuses on text formatting and alignments and how different layouts can be achieved

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