Minor Project - Final compilation and reflection

Dayyan Ahmed 0344670
Minor project
Final compilation and reflection


Project brief 

Our team was tasked to brand a project "Tomorrow burger" an product insect based burger patty promoting health benefits and environmental friendliness compared to its meat and chicken based rivals.

Empathy Research and persona building - stage 1

During the first couple of weeks we had to research on the product and its competitors to understand what type of branding schemes and target audience they peruse.

Based on our interviews and research we built four persona's for our product that we would be targeting and gathering insights from.

After doing our persona's and research we made summary reports which we then used to make our problem statements and insights.

Summary report 1 - tomorrow burger

Summary report 2 - Competitor and target audience analysis

Problem statement and insights discovery

Following up on our summary reports we did our problem statements and insights discovery.

Main problem statement

"Burger lovers who are environmentally conscious need burgers that are environmentally friendly and doesn't resemble insects at all." 

The next step was to overcome the problems that we found.

Art direction and Brand identity

logo design 

Progress 1

Progress 2 

After consultation and presentation to business the final design is :

Complete art direction and style guide 

Final presentation - Brand identity and content

Detailed miro board

Weekly reflections / Feedbacks

Week 1-4

During the first couple of weeks we were doing our contextual research and empathy research in which Mr. Mike explained to us the flow of design thinking before we can start designing anything this included research on target audience and competitor analysis we had to understand the psychology behind this type of branding before we come to design conclusions.

Week 4-8 

From week 4 forwards we completed our empathy research, problem statements and insights. Following those we started designing our content and brand identity during which mr mike told us about things like color psychology and effective imagery to counter our problem statement leading to the finalization of our art direction.

Week 8-12

We had to present to the business school around week 10 so during this period we had already finalized most of our content and gathered feedback from mr mike such as don't overlap the the text with visual elements. how to use our elements in a minimal way and the type of content that we good for us.

Week 12-14 

In this  duration we already finalized our brand identity and started focusing on our 3d space in spatial and the 3d models we had proposed in proposal.

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