Design Exploration - Final compilation and reflection


Dayyan Ahmed 0344670
Bachelor's of Design Creative Media
Design Exploration 
Final compilation and refelction 


Project breif

For our deisgn exploration module, ms Anis breifed us on the process we would follow througout the semester

Our task was to choose one goal from the variety provided by SDG and find effective solution to counter the problem or spread awarness about it.

I chose the goal 14 - Life under water

After choosing a goal we had to present our initial ideations and proposal before starting to work on the final outcome.

Proposal presentation :

After our propoal presentation we started workong on our final out come

My solution was to make a website to spread awarness about the importance of life under water, the threats to it and what prevention measure we can take.


Landing page

Threats and causes page

What can you do ? page

Donation page

Ministore page

Reflection and learning outcomes

In terms of self evaluation throughout the module my greatest weakness was time management. This also led me to a late proposal presentation and poor project managment that is one aspect i will be hoping to improve in the future.

In terms of skills being a graphic designer we have limited knowledge about UI/UX design however i wanted to take this as a challenge and an oppurtunity. Through the module i learned different levels of coding and also some advanced coding like javascript. These skills are handy for me because i work and skills like these give me an edge above other designers from my specialization.

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