Ux design X digital and social media communication final compilation


UI/UX design X Digital and social media communication
Final compilation
Group 2 
Aaron lee, Dayyan Ahmed, Chia min, Zee yee, Naomi, Fanny, Yang


Task 1 - Empathy research and persona building

During the first two weeks of our modules we were breifed on the task to collect as much research as possible. The research and data collection was related to a photo editing app PIXLR. We collected primary and secondary data about what kind of features are incorporated by other top end photo editing apps in reference to their target audience.

We then came up with our own insights and personas to be used in the later stages of the project.

Task 2 - Acquisition, retention , revenue competitor analysis , and journey maps.

The second part of the project involved research on other top end photo editing apps which are considered as competitors to PIXLR. We researched in depth on what acquisitions these competitors use hoe they retain their customers and their schemes of making revenue.

The research helped us come with customer journey maps so we could start designing a prototype idea for PIXLR in reference to all the maps and data collected.

Task 3 - Further research and final design layouts 

Using all our previous research and data. We designed our own prototype idea that we presented to PIXLR. We based our idea in connection to our target audience and journey maps while at the same time focusing on the business modal aspects of the app as well.

Final wireframe

Detailed Miro board


Aaron Lee Phing Phong - 

It has been an interesting adventure for me. I was never good at data researching and or tackling open-ended questions/objectives. More specifically, when it comes to a project and involves a client. Often when I'm tackling any project, school work or personal, I tend to make sure I understand fully of the requirements and objectives before starting. However, this project has made me second-guessing my approach and understanding. Although it is true of what Mr. Asrizal said that such is the nature of UX Design, "an uncharted territory", I'm still trying to find a certain standard of deliverables or workflow. I'm sure most if not all of my classmates felt the same way, that it is confusing and frustrating at times to be not able to grasp onto a firm direction or objective for the project presented. However, I do believe that struggling is a sign that you are learning and I've learnt quite a bit throughout this semester.

Hong Zee Yee

Thinking back of the journey of this module, I found myself as nervous yet excited. I was never good at data researching and I've never tried to do this before. This module looked at several ways to understand the concepts. I was confused and being unsure on what is expected for the task because it is open/ended questions and there's no specific requirement for us to kick start to the project. I felt frustrating when we don't have a clear direction to follow. Therefore, through some the group discussion I was able to understand what is expected for the next coming task. As I learn more about research, I am glad that I have learned on how to find and use information and I must continuously reflect on how can I use the new knowledge that I have researched and make it in a clearer and understandable information.

Dayyan Ahmed

This live project was a good experience for me. Personally i find myself a bit better in terms of data research and its's relevance where i could support my team. The module was a bit understandable for me because i work outside as well so open ended approach was not a big issue for me. However a more professional approach we learned this semester was new to me , the process and flow of data and ideas really intrigued me. In the end i enjoyed this module because it not only helped me as a designer but also helped me improve in work outside university.

Chia Min

At the beginning of this module, I was quite nervous as I am not that good in researching and writing. Besides, I am also unsure what should I do for this module. After grouping, I followed and completed what my leader assigned us to do. I then understand what is our next coming task by group discussion. At first I feel quite boring because it is more about research and I am not that kind of research person. But after sometime, I learnt something new through researching. I am glad that I have learnt something new. I hope that this knowledge can help me in the future.


This has been an interesting and confusing module. I wasn’t good at research in the first place and this was the first time I’ve have a module that wants us to do a detailed research and presentation. I wasn’t sure how to help team as i wasn’t sure what to do and ended up relying on the group more that i should have but i tried my best to keep up. Even though there were some problems on the way, i was able to learn something new and hope to be able use this knowledge to do better in the future.


In this module, I have learned some new knowledge. I'm very excited about that, I hope that new knowledge can help me when I'm working. In the beginning, I'm very worried about this module because I'm very bad at doing data researching and writing. I just followed our group leader and did the task which the leader ask me to do. And I am also very grateful to my group members. They also help me a lot when I have something don't understand.

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