Design communication - Excersises
Dayyan Ahmed 0344670
Bachelor's of Design Creative Media
Design Communication
Ms Hanim and Ms Aida gave us a minor introduction and lecture on what to expect in the coming weeks and how all submissons are done also breifing us on our first assignment free hand writing and sketching. Also Excersises A LOT of excersises.
1 Free hand drawing - straight line (point to point , perfect square )
2 Free hand drawing - circle
3 Line contour drawing - City
4 Line contour drawing - Hand
5 Blind contour drawing - Hand, multiple hand
6 Contour drawing - Found items
7 Tonal Value (9 gradations each) - Hatching, Scribbling, Stipping, Cross hatching
8 Tonal Value (try on different type of techniques) - Tissue Paper
9 Tonal Value - create line shade and shadow for several objects, rubric cube
10 1 point perspective of a cube - worm eyes view, eye view , birds eye view
11 2 point perspective of a cube - worm eyes view, eye view , birds eye view
12 1 point perspective chair
13 1 point perspective - kitchen & living room
14 rendering with marker - 1 point & 2 point perspective
15 orthographic drawing 6 models
16 Isometric drawing 5 models
I had a weak attendance so i missed out on excersises however some of them i continued on to produce assignment
Inclass exersices - Drafts for assignments
They are compiled a little jumbled
Coming into this module as a free i had no idea what to expect and after the first class i was a bit scared to be honest because in my two years of graphic all the work we did was based on digital software and platforms how ever here i was picking up a pencil.
Won't lie felt like i had forgotten to write but i eventually kind of grasped on to the whole. Even more surprising were the juniors around some of them would do their work and i would just be scratching the surface and my teachers were just amazing very very helpful and really easy to understand. Has to be one of the more hands on fun modules this sem it was great experience.