Design Communication - Assignments


Dayyan Ahmed 0344670
Bachelor's of Design Creative Media
Design Communication 


Ms Hanim and Ms Aida gave us a minor introduction and lecture on what to expect in the coming weeks and how all submissons are done also breifing us on our first assignment free hand writing and sketching.

Assignment 00 -  Free hand skectches

Assignment 01A - Sketching and Contouring

Assignment 01B - Tonal value 

Assignment 02A - 1 point perspective chair

Assignment 02B - 2 point perspective cabinet

Assignment 03A - Interior Perspective

Assignment 03B - Interior Perspective

Assignment 03C - Perspective Marker Rendering

Assignment 04A - Orthographic projection

Assignment 04B - Orthographic projection 2 

Assignment 05A - Plan Drawing

Assignment 05B - Sectional elevation

Assignment 06A - Isometric drawing 

Assignment 06B - Axonometric drawing

Assignment 07 - Test and presentation Board 


Coming into this module as a free i had no idea what to expect and after the first class i was a bit scared to be honest because in my two years of graphic all the work we did was based on digital software and platforms how ever here i was picking up a pencil.

Won't lie felt like i had forgotten to write but i eventually kind of grasped on to the whole. Even more surprising were the juniors around some of them would do their work and i would just be scratching the surface and my teachers were just amazing very very helpful and really easy to understand. Has to be one of the more hands on fun modules this sem it was great experience.

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