Collabrative design practice Task 1


Dayyan Ahmed 0344670
Bachelor's of Design Creative Media
Collaborative Design practive
Task 1 - Empathy research and proposal


Project breif

For our first project we were breifed that we had to pair up in teams and choose one of the enterprise offered by our lecturer. Following up on that we had to research and collaborate to produce the brandinf and content for the enterprise accoording to their profile.

Research and summary 

Our enterprise was 'Wagas Di Asi'. An enterprise which focuses on selling heirloom rice using traditional methods to help low class farmers.

We conducted an interview and did our own thorough research on the topic and produced our proposal slides.

Detailed Slides

Follwoing up on our detail slides we had a consultation with miss and the summarized the slides to present to the enterprise.

Final Summary slides

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