Creative brand strategy project 2 - Content creation and timeline


Creative brand strategy 
project 2
Dayyan Ahmed (0344670)
Content creation and timeline


Task brief 

For project 2A and 2B our brief was to start by making a detailed proposal slides which include the journey map we would follow , the art direction board and brand touch points to be used. 

After the art direction board and details were confirmed we moved to content creation.

Progress 1 finalized art direction with visual example

Progress 2 More content

Final Content

Reels and igtv


- Try to play around more with the elements.
- Reels are nice.
- Some posts are bit crowded.
- Some type settings can be improved.
- igtv can be shortened.


The best thing i liked about this project was that it helped me improve and explore into video editing. Since i am a freelancer doing special effects editing etc . This project also pushed me to try different editing way while following a professional process. Also it gave me insights on how to use different elements together but still keep the 'big idea' intact.

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