Creative Brand Strategy Project 1 - Case study & Campaign proposal

Creative Brand Strategy
Dayyan Ahmed 0344670
Project 1 Case study & Campaign proposal



Week 1 - 

Module information brief  , along with the brief the lecture contained an explanation of the basics of persona branding , different strategies , social media campaigns and research methods SWOTS, customer journey map and brand positioning.

For project 1A we had choose a social media campaign and do a case study on it in reference to the lecture points explained.

Project 1 A

For my case study i chose the brand as Radio head which is a music band that has been around for a long time. They often branded the albums in very creative ways so i decided to choose a couple of their album promotion campaigns specifically 


Project 1A Submission


Project 1B

Project 1B we worked as a group and we had to propose a social media campaign of an influencer we were assigned , Blossom lee.

Blossom was an influencer of the organizer SLAE a cosmetic brand. We started by getting in contact with blossom through whats app and giving her a quick interview to get to know her more.

After we got the answers we had frequent meetings with her to grasp key points about her and find ways in which we could use them in connection with SLAE. 

We came up with the campaign 

our goal was to highlight blossom's young nature of learning new things and inspiring others to do grow as well in relation to the key messages of SLAE. Our main platform choice was instagram.

Questionnaire for blossom 

Project 1B - Social media campaign proposal submission


Project 1 A

General - 
  • You may cut and paste facts but do include your sources and references. A separate file can be made for the references
  • Take care of complete plagiarism , remember to para phrase and also provide sourced for the images you use as well.
Specific Feedback -
  • Good and interesting choice of social media campaign
  • Research was strong and easy.
  • Good Ideas reflected in how the content was presented. 
  • It's not cut and paste - it's your own analysis.
  • Findings are chronologically applied and clear. 
  • Could have been better if you focused on only one campaign instead of 3 
Project 1B


- you can add more items like gifs and videos in slides to make them more interactive and interesting 


- Need more questions about the cosmetics
- There is room for more findings
- Try to ask more about the key feature you found out
- Try to clarify the objective a little more
- Find out more about the influencers blossom mentioned
- Good job on the proposal , really like it 
- The research and data identified was Well done. Very solid. 
- Research and findings are presented in a good concise way 
- Made the direction do the campaign very clear.
- The slides are well-designed. 
- Analytical thinking was applied. 
- Could be better if you had looked into the influencers that inspire Blossom. 


Project 1A & B

I actively enjoyed this task especially because i could choose any campaign to my liking. Besides that the case study also helped get a lot of more information on how branding is done and how to make unique strategies.

During project 1B i liked the exposure to a more professional environment. Working with someone who we just met and then understanding them to point out their key features really interested me. I also liked how we used the information in turn to define the person and creating a campaign using their defining features.


Throughout both the task i was thoroughly indulged in the work. During the first part learning more about a brand and how they promoted themselves was really fun for me as i got to know things that i would never have known 

During the second part i just liked how we worked as a team. The different perspectives some of us put forth really impressed me. Also personally the collaboration with a live brand and influencer also helped me in how to deal and collaborate with multiple people at the same time having a super friendly environment.


Besides having fun i also found out about a lot of new things. One of these was looking beyond a person or brand and understanding their ideas , thought processes and character and understanding what they actually wanted to portray.

Also i learned that the amount of thinking that actually goes into the process of branding a persona is respectable. Learning how different brands used different techniques to sell themselves really interested me. And i just further learned first hand about this when we made the campaign for blossom.

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