Brand Corporate Identity Task 3


Dayyan Ahmed (0344670)
Brand Corporate Identity Task 3
Brand Guidelines book and applicat


Progress 1 

Our initial instructions for task 3 were to use the provided questionnaire about our brand and write their brand guidelines.

Brand Guidelines 

Progress 2

After writing our guidelines we were told to design a brand guideline interactive pdf and then make suitable mockups.

- Stationary 
- Business Card
- Name Card
- Tote bag
- Social media

These were our baseline compulsory mockups and on top we had to add items of our own choice.

Thumbnails for Interactive pdf

Interactive pdf 

Flip Book Format


Fig 1.1 Stationary 

Fig 1.2 Letter Head 

Fig 1.3 Business card

Fig 1.4 member card

Fig 1.5 Envelope

Fig 1.6 Tote bags

Fig 1.7 Clothing tag

Fig 1.8 Clothing 

Fig 1.9 Insta Posts 

Fig 2.1 Store front and environment

Animated Logo


The final project for this semester in brand corporate was easily one of the most fun and attractive project for me. Because i love animations and 3d design it gave me a chance not only to present my animation skills but also present it to a more real life professional Ms. Natasha giving me a lot of information about what we might experience in the real life industry . 

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