Brand Corporate identity Task 2

Dayyan Ahmed 0344670
Brand Corporate Identity Task 2 
Logo Design and brand positioning 

For our task 2 we were asked to design a logo for the company "DAARMA". We were given a questionnaire with information about the company and had to plan accordingly. Simultaneously we were to collect two logos each week and analyze them.

Task 2A - Logo analysis 

Task 2B - Darrma Logo Design

Progress 1 - 

We started from making a mind map which we would use as reference to keep the key ideas we the company offers 

Here's the mind map i assembled  

Fig.1.1 Mind Map 

After showing miss she said i was on the right track but i could split the ideas and motifs part into separate sections as they have some key differences between them.

Progress 2 - 

After the mind map we had to sketch out ideas from which we would choose one final to digitize 

I used illustrator to sketch as i am  more comfortable working digitally 

After consulting about my initial sketches miss said there were two sketches that could be continued however one of them is unique but maybe harder to refine 

Also i could continue to explore colours, so after feedback i made new variations and tried some colours schemes

After finalizing our logo we had to make a logo grid for it and and four variations along with an animation.

Also to be included was a positioning statement which would explain the brand and rationalize our design 

Fig 1.3 grid 1

Because my design was a circle and had a lot of curves it was pretty confusing to get a good grid system but this was my first attempt.

fig 1.4 Grid 1

Also wrote a draft rationale

Fig 1.5 draft rationale 


fig 1.6 clear space grid

fig 1.7 clear space rationale 

Fig 1.8 Construction grid 

Fig 1.9 Brand Font 

Fig2.1 Logo B/W

Fig 2.2 Logo reverse

Fig 2.4 Logo Colour
Final PDF


After research we began the logo creation. This task was very enjoyable, coming up with new ideas and composing our own logo to present an idea. This task was very enjoyable for me, especially because we could just present a ton of ideas and then cut down to one we liked the most. The final logo i presented I was thoroughly satisfied with it mainly because of the fun I had while making it and exploring different areas of logo designs.

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