Brand Corporate Identity Task 1

Dayyan Ahmed 0344670 
Brand corporate identity 
Task 1 Breaking brand 


In our first class ms low Hsin Yin briefed us about what the module is going to be about and what are the final outcomes we will be reaching through the semester .

Along with that she briefed us about our project 1 and also gave us a lecture playlist to go through every class.

Lecture 1  - Introduction 

Lecture 2 - Brand 

Lecture 3 - Types of  marks 

Lecture 4 - Brand Ideals 

Lecture 5 - Brand positioning 

Task 1 

For our first task we were split into groups and we had to make a brand profile for a brand or company of our choice , we chose the topic vans .

Brand Profile - Vans ppt 


Task 1 of our brand corporate was all research and unlike a lot of people I am pretty fond of collecting and writing research. I enjoyed the task and the information I could get from it. Even presenting my research i was a little tired but it was fun to present my research.

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