Publishing Design Task 2 ( Content Generation )

Dayyan Ahmed 0344670 
Publishing Design 
Project 2A - Content Generation


For our project 2A we had to write 3000 words of a topic , after which we had to make supporting visuals we can use n our content.

Progress 1 - 3000 words 

Progress 2 - Visuals creation 

fig 1.1 extensive smoking

fig 1.2 pills 

fig 1.3 cocaine 

fig 1.4 music escape 

After consultation mr vinod said i needed to get a new look and he did not particularly like what he was looking at besides the last picture so i changed my art style to more drawing and made new visuals.

I decided to use trippy art as my reference 

Fig 1.5 General Drugs 

Fig 1.6 Excessive Smoking 

Fig 1.7 Pills

Fig 1.8 Cocaine

Fig 1.9 Music 

Fig 2.1 Trippy eyes 

Fig 2.2 Music 2

Fig 2.3 The void

Fig 2.4 Heavy metal

Fig 2.5 Drown 

Fig 2.6 comfy hell 

Fig 2.7 Eyes

Fig 2.8 The prison 

Fig 2.9 Accept the hurt 

Fig 3.1 Disk back 

Fig 3.2 Always bites back

Fig 3.3 Swallowed 

Thumbnail PDF

Feedback :

Week 2
- General feedback - Start looking for visual reverences . - Complete exercises . - Get some recreated visuals before next class. - Take care of text format line breaks. Week 3 - Be more conceptual rather than literal. - Try looking at psychedelic illustrations. - Use Pattern and textures . Week 4 - Visuals need a re work. - Form need to be more variable and on both sides. - Little relationship between spreads . - "Feel the movement". Week 5 - On the right path with the visuals now , just finish them in time .


I thoroughly enjoyed this task. Since we were given a chance to make our own content and them go crazy on our visuals. Yeah a lot of fun .

Further Reading 

This book looks very simple and childish but the content in it explains a lot about visuals and how they are used in books .

This is a book telling the story of little red riding hood . Along with the book also explains the anatomy behind publishing visuals and the anatomy of visuals in books.

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